Is our drinking water safe? Who decides? Where does contamination come from? How do we protect ourselves from serious risks? Is it even possible? Is it affordable? For whom? How can we differentiate between real threats to our water and commercially incited panic?
"A Poisoned Well" responds to a feeling of paranoia about our water quality against the back drop of the water crisis in Flint, MI and the disintegrating infrastructure in the US. Since the Flint Water Crisis, we have had ever-present concerns about the impact of water quality on our health. We've researched water filtrations systems and testing kits for our household, read through city water reports, sorted through ambiguous testing data, and educated ourselves on what "acceptable levels" of these metals, minerals, and toxins might be. The project takes the form of prints, photographs, projections, zines, melting water samples, test kits, and make-shift labs in an attempt to provide resources for education, testing, and deciphering the contents of drinking water supplies.
This work is a collaboration with Michael Cunningham.
Follow us on instagram @apoisonedwell.
Thanks to the team at In-faux-structure and Opalka Gallery for project funding and to the art educators who helped collect water samples and collaborate with their students.
"A Poisoned Well" responds to a feeling of paranoia about our water quality against the back drop of the water crisis in Flint, MI and the disintegrating infrastructure in the US. Since the Flint Water Crisis, we have had ever-present concerns about the impact of water quality on our health. We've researched water filtrations systems and testing kits for our household, read through city water reports, sorted through ambiguous testing data, and educated ourselves on what "acceptable levels" of these metals, minerals, and toxins might be. The project takes the form of prints, photographs, projections, zines, melting water samples, test kits, and make-shift labs in an attempt to provide resources for education, testing, and deciphering the contents of drinking water supplies.
This work is a collaboration with Michael Cunningham.
Follow us on instagram @apoisonedwell.
Thanks to the team at In-faux-structure and Opalka Gallery for project funding and to the art educators who helped collect water samples and collaborate with their students.